“Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” (WIN-WITH-U)
Project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826
Website: https://win-with-u.eu/
Project objectives: WIN-WITH-U is an Erasmus+ project, which aims to improve the inclusion of people with autism in the working system. This is achieved by raising the employers’ awareness about the issue through provision of targeted training and by supporting autistic people in their job-searching process towards employment.
“More opportunities, less differences”
Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080384
Funding programme: Erasmus+
Website: https://moledi.org/
+ To create equal opportunities forall students particpating inmobility experiences.
+ To break down social, economicand educational barriers thatprevent students with feweropportunities fromparticipating in mobilityprograms.
1. Quality AssuranceFramework on the qualitycriteria for sending VETorganizations
2. Self-assessment tool
3. Handbook for mentors in SMEs hosting mobilities
4. Board game
“NewTech: How to add a new dimension to current key skills in the construction industry with new generation technology and curriculum” is funded under the Erasmus+ Programme.
Project ref. № 2020-1-TR01-KA202-094227
NewTech aims to promote work-based learning in every way and to support the innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning. The project intellectual outputs comprise:
O1 Construction Industry Statistics
O2 New Education Programs in the Construction Industry
O3 A-Synchronous Education Module prepared for the new curriculum
O4 Virtual Reality Application (Virtual Construction Site)
Project coordinator: Kirikkale University, Turkey (www.kku.edu.tr)
Website: http://newtechworksite.net/
Project website: https://www.tabasco-erasmus.eu/
“TABASCO – A Targeted Anti‐Bully Approach in Schools by Campaigning and Organising”
Project number: 2020-1-NL01-KA226-SCH-083054
Funding programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, School Education
TABASCO aims to:
+ inform and train kids (age 9-19), teachers, parents on how to use the internet responsibly and how interactions online can be safe and fair;
+ provide practical tools for teaching conscious and cautious use of social media, to prevent the risks of privacy breaches, empowering youngsters to fight cyberbullying, stalking and other forms of online harassment;
+ prepare youngsters to use the internet responsibly by pointing at the necessary balance between freedom of expression and respecting one another;
+ increase the understanding of youngsters how privacy violation online happens, how their privacy and their virtual identity can be protected, and (legal) consequences of violations;
+ promote a youth movement of kids sharing experiences, inform each other, tell stories, raise awareness and report any inappropriate and unlawful behaviour or content to anti-bullying platforms, some of which already exist.
Project: I-CREATE: Creativity Development & Innovation Training Package for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Project website: http://icreate-project.eu/
The main aim of I-CREATE project is to provide European SMEs with a fully documented training material in creativity and innovation management, thus increasing the competitiveness and innovation capacity of SMEs.
Project: InnoWork: Towards a More Innovative Workplace
Project website:http://innowork-project.eu
The main aim of InnoWork project is to create a more innovation-friendly environment for EU micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their business adaptability by providing the necessary training support for performing organizational innovation.