1) Kick-off meeting in Istanbul, Turkey

HI-GLOBE kick-off meeting took part on 30-31 January in Istanbul, in Turkey and was attended by representatives of all partner countries: Turkey, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. The main topics presented and discussed by partners were: project objectives, target groups, intellectual outputs (IO), dissemination, quality management, partners’ roles and overall work distribution. Thanks to the hosts from the Department of English Language Teaching of the Bahcesehir University (BAU) – the coordinating institution of the project, the partnership had a great and very efficient time together.

2) HI-GLOBE regular online working meetings

Due to the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic, face-to-face transnational meetings have been canceled for the time being, but the HI-GLOBE project partners have persevered in their dedication to the project’s development and have strived to adapt to the current restrictions that the pandemic imposed. The project partnership continues their fruitful collaboration by regular online working meetings in the Zoom platform.

HI-GLOBE Transnational project meeting

During the transnational meeting, held online on 7th January 2021, partners updated each other about the state of art of the project and the project coordinator – BAU outlined the tasks and documents needed for the preparation of the Interim report. PRISM presented the finalized version and the main findings of IO1: HI-GLOBE Study to the partnership. PELICAN described the further steps in the development of IO2 and presented a prototype module, which was followed by a discussion, initiated by ECQ, about the development of the learning platform. Promimpresa oulined different options for the implementation of the short-term joint staff training, planned to take place at the end of February 2021. The meeting closed with a reflection and evaluation of the communication and dissemination activities, presented by FRAME and a discussion of upcoming internal and external evaluation and quality management activities.