PELICAN Language School

PELICAN provides educational opportunities in the field of higher and adult education. Since it was founded in 2002 the school has transformed from a school of languages to an adult education centre. Currently it offers the following educational opportunities to adult learners:
• Language learning
• Language exams
• Language courses for post-secondary students accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sport in the Czech Republic
• Czech exams for foreigners
• Re-/Up-skilling courses accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in the Czech
• Personal and professional development courses
• Basic skills courses
• Teacher training
As the course offer shows, PELICAN not only specializes on language education, but also on retraining courses. The courses are focused on the field of business, finance and management and they help learners to assert themselves on labour market. The experience with these courses gives PELICAN a good base to work on regarding this project to understand how to properly treat adult learners and how to motivate them enough to finish their education.