1. Reading: Do you sort waste?
a) We asked four people if they sort waste. Read their answers:
Sorting waste? No, I never do that. It is too
complicated for me. I don’t know how to sort it
correctly. I don’t have time to think about it.

Mrs. and Mr. Novak
In our family, we always sort waste.
We have special bins for paper, glass and plastic. We do
it because sorting waste is good for nature.

I rarely sort waste. I want to do it, but the
recycling bins are very far from my house, and
they are often full. I think that we need more
recycling bins in our town.

I usually sort paper and plastic, sometimes also
glass and metal. I don’t think it is difficult, but
some people need help, because they don’t
know how to sort waste correctly.
b) Now decide if the following statements ARE true or false
c) Read the stories again and find the adverbs of frequency. What is their meaning? Try to sort them from the least frequented to the most frequented.
2. Speaking: I do/don’t sort waste because…
Time to share your story! Answer the questions:
- Do you sort waste? How often (always/usually/sometimes/rarely/never)?
- Why? Or why not?
- What materials do you sort (paper/glass/plastic/metal)?