This lesson addresses health and health care issues in the contemporary world. The objective of this lesson is to encourage students to reflect upon the elements that contribute health and wellbeing at both individual and societal level.

Level: A1-A2

Learning outcomes:

– elaborating simple statements and small paragraphs

– use of verbs to be/to have

– health related vocabulary

– practice of speaking and conversational skills

– healthy food and nutrition, healthy habits,

– wellbeing

Activities – First session: synchronous (90 minutes)

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Communication

+ Self-reflection

+ Self-respect and self-esteem

Language skills:

Speaking i.e. Elaborating simple statements

Vocabulary related to health

Open Discussion

Please state 1 Truth and 2 Lies about Health, then you will listen to the other students and guess which the truth is.

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Critical thinking

+ Respect for others

+ Open – mindedness

Language skills:


Open Discussion

Please share your knowledge and experience on the topic of health.

Suggested questions:

What does “health” mean?

Who is the most healthy person you know? Who is the least healthy?

Why is it good to be healthy?

How do we take care of our health?

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Critical thinking

+  Open – mindedness  

Language skills:


Grammar: the verbs “to be/to have”

You are given a list of words pertaining to the sphere of health, please form sentences using those words and the verbs “to be” or “to have” in different persons.



In shape





Mental Health

Sexual Health


Heart related issues

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

Open-mindedness and responsibility

Dealing with complexity

Changing perspectives

Critical thinking

Language skills:

Reading comprehension

Speaking or Writing

Read the text and answer the related question below, either orally or in writing:

Doctors tell us to eat more fruit and vegetables, they also tell us to drink more water, drink less fizzy drinks and to walk a lot. Junk food consumption has been consistently rising in usage between the post WW2 period and today. Experts consider junk food a food that is not nutritious, that is high in simple sugars, salt and in fats, and that is low in water. Usually when we think of junk food we think of precooked food, frozen food, and low quality food. Junk food is designed to be cheap for the producer, so that selling junk food is good business. Junk food is also designed to be exceptionally tasty and in some ways also addictive with the high content of sugar. Junk food takes very little time to prepare, it often doesn’t require any skill and that is another reason why it’s so widespread. People often prefer to spend time doing something else instead of cooking a healthy nutritious meal. Often social lives detract from the practice of cooking food. Cooking food together and enjoying meals together is the perfect alternative to junk food consumption. Sometimes junk food, being also fast food, is consumed in the workplace, never leaving the chair at the office. Bad eating habits are the breeding grounds for obesity, sugar imbalances and heart related problems. In the past few years, several restaurants strived to offer food that is fast to prepare and consume and yet is healthy and nutritious.

What is junk food?

How long does it take to prepare junk food?

Is junk food healthy?

What do doctors recommend?

Why do people eat junk food?

What can be a solution for junk food consumption?

Duration: 20 min

Learning outcome:

+ Critical thinking

+ Teamwork and Cooperation 

+  Open-mindedness

Language skills:



Please, fill in the Health Culture Chart below with as many word or concepts as you can recall. Then, discuss the chart with others.





Non Accessible











Habits and hobbies















Historical period










Duration: 10 min

Learning outcome:

+ Communication

Language skills:



Kahoot Game

Link to the game:

Duration: 10 min

Learning outcome:

+ Creativity

+ Critical thinking

+ Self-reflection

+ Self-respect and self-esteem

+  Open-mindedness

Language skills:


Please, write 3 sentences that describe “What does health mean for you?”.

You can use  Wordreference ( ) to help them write the sentences, then share them with the class.

Activities – Second session: asynchronous (60 minutes)

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Changing perspectives

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

+  Social responsibility

Language skills:



Please, watch the video Why is it so hard for young people to access mental health services? | ITV News”  and describe what you see in simple sentences.

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Changing perspectives

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

Please, watch the video “Improving Access for All”, then write 10 sentences about the video.

Duration: 25 min

Learning outcome:

+  Dealing with complexity  

+  Social responsibility

Language skills:

Reading comprehension

Read the text below and answer the questions:

Tim is 24 years old, he has a passport of his own country. His country has National health care and has ties with other countries so that when he is abroad if he is in need of health care his country will pay for the health treatment required by his condition. His friend Morcos instead comes from a country without public health, he pays for a health plan privately, Morcos’ job is a medium level income job, which means that some things are left out of his health care plan as he can’t afford it. Some of his Health care plan, like the dentist, is paid by his employer, but it’s only in certain dedicated clinics that have a contract with his employer. When he travels abroad he has to pay for a private insurance to cover his treatments and health care in case of injury or illness. Rim comes from a country with health care, but she is a refugee, she identifies as gay and she had to flee her own country. In her host country Rim finds out that she has free health care, but she also finds out that, while being gay is widely accepted there, there is still prejudice towards her in the health care system. Being a woman, Rim is often treated as if it’s expected that she will want to be pregnant and have children.

1. How is health care for Rim?

2. Which health care system is the easiest for the individual?

3. How does it change when travelling abroad?

4. Which health care system is the most accessible?

5. Why should we be respectful of sexual orientation and religion in health care?

6. Do you have a friend who has a different health system than yours? Did he/she/they experience issues? Did You?

7. What do you do for your health on a daily basis?

Activities – Third session: synchronous (60 minutes)

Duration: 30 min

Learning outcome:

+ Changing perspectives

+ Dealing with complexity/contradictions

+ Critical thinking

+ Empathy

+ Open-mindedness

Language skills:


Please watch the following videoс and take notes, in particular focusing on the themes of the GE skills and values. Тhen, discuss the notes all together.

Access to Healthcare and Affordability: Uneven and Unstable – Public Health Series:   

What Does U.S. Health Care Look Like Abroad? | NYT Opinion:  

Taking Health Care to the Streets | Dr. Cheryl Whitaker | TEDxNashvilleSalon:

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Critical thinking

+ Self-reflection

Language skills:


Grammar: Do and Don’t

Please, reflect on the knowledge gained so far and respond to the prompt: “Write a small paragraph on health’s dos and don’ts”

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

+ Self-reflection

Please, respond to the prompt: “Write a small paragraph about how health care makes the life of people better and how it may make the life of people worse.”

(About 75 words, although the indicator is adaptable)

Activities – Fourth session: synchronous (90 minutes)

Duration: 15 min

Learning outcome:

+ Changing perspectives

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

+ Empathy

+ Self-reflection

+ Respect for others

Topic to discuss:  “Things that are counterproductive for your health and things that should be done to offer healthcare to everyone.”

Duration: 31 min

Learning outcome:

+  Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

+ Empathy

+ Open-mindedness

Language skills:



Kahoot game

Kahoot on Climate change and health: (14 minutes)

Kahoot on Food and health: (6 minutes)

Kahoot on Health and human development: (16 minutes)

Duration: 14 min

Learning outcome:

+ Critical thinking

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Empathy                            

Language skills:

Vocabulary on health related issues


A list of vocabulary items on health, sanitation and wellbeing is presented to you. Please try to guess or define the meaning of the word given. In addition, try to use the vocabulary item in a sentence.

List of suggested vocabulary.

–  Virus

–  Facemask

–  Cough

–  Catch a cold

–  Fever

–  Meditation

–  Doctor

–  Diet

–  Accident

Duration: 30 min

Learning outcome: 

+ Self-reflection

+ Dealing with complexity

+ Critical thinking

Language skills:


Open dialogue on the topic: “Try to speak about your experience of interaction with the health care system of your country”.